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Our Programs.

The Ways We Make Peace Work.

School Systems across the country have found it difficult to properly cope with Bullying situations, especially in the area of Psychological Support.  In many cases, the child is sent to a Mental Health Psychologist and subsequently devaluing the life-long effects which occur because of daily cognitive trauma.


Therefore, we designed our programs to target every facet of consistent, natural therapy, utilizing an approach that encourages positivity, while promoting an increase in

self-esteem. Our physical locations provide the external support, while our Faculty Training and after school clubs bridge the gap through internal methodology.  As always, "Project: Unity"

co-creates a universal theme of Modern, Artistic, and Unified methods of promoting Personal

Self-Worth throughout each of our programs and presentations.


There are Two (2) types of bullying support that we accompany. The first is catering to the psychological well-being of students through our PeaceKeepers Individuality Enhancement Group. This club offers insight into the beauty and defiance we all possess by showing our children that no matter who they are, or what they want to be is an amazing entity that only hate can supress. The other side is our Bullying Prevetion unit, which has been enacted to foster the individuality and talents that each child has. We have started to create a more cultured and open-minded generation by starting our programs with Elementary and Middle School aged students.  Our goal is to target children at such a young age by teaching them about Sustainability, Global Humanitarianism, Environmentalism, & World Conservation through The Crystal Club. This will help the future years, so that volunteering and helping our fellow mankind is not just looked at as "Community Service," but more as something that we all want to be apart of. Then, we educate high school students through our TransitLife Program on business plan development (for-profit & non-profit), Resume Development, & Networking to prime them on how to apply their dreams to the real world after school.



school bullying

Guess What??







If You Don't Believe Us,

Click the Link Below to start

your own chapter of:





The Peacekeepers

Individuality Enhancement Group.

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